Executive Officers

Iris Gilbert serves as the Secretary of the VHMA.  Iris has been working in the affordable housing field for 19 years.  She has worked as an Occupancy Specialist, a Property Manager, a Compliance Manager, a Deputy Director of Property Management and she currently works at the Vermont State Housing Authority as a Property and Compliance Manager.  She holds the industry designations of Certified Occupancy Specialist, Tax Credit Specialist and USDA Rural Development S.T.A.R.  Iris spends her free time volunteering for various community organizations, in addition to working toward fulfilling her goal of hiking the 48 New Hampshire 4,000 foot mountains with her husband and her beagle.


Education Committee

In addition to being acting Secretary of the VHMA, Iris Gilbert also serves as a board member of the VHMA Education Committee.


Rachel Bryan Pearson has been in the property management business for over two decades; the last fifteen years have been in affordable housing.  Before assuming her current role as Associate Director of Compliance & Occupancy at Downstreet Housing & Community Development, Rachel served Downstreet (formerly known as Central Vermont Community Land Trust [CVCLT]) as Associate Director of Property Management, Senior Property Manager, Property Manager, Occupancy Specialist and as Property Management Coordinator.   She has received certifications for COS, TCS, and S.T.A.R.  When she\'s not working, Rachel enjoys spending time hiking and camping with her family, and lives in Barre Town with her partner Jeff, their respective children and three dogs.


Louisa Wood is the Occupancy and Compliance Specialist for Downstreet Housing (formerly Central VT Land Trust).  Before assuming that role, she had been a Property Manager since 2018, when she joined the Downstreet Housing team.  

Louisa has been working in the affordable housing world for 20 years starting out at the Vermont State Housing Authority and then the Barre Housing Authority before landing at Downstreet. 

Louisa holds certificates in COS, Family Self Sufficiency, HCV Program Management, HCV Rent Calculations, HCV HQS inspections, Fair Housing and HCV Specialist. 

In her spare time Louisa enjoys spending time with her family. 


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